“A nome di tutto il Barrio Latino mi complimento con te per tutti i servizi fotografici che ci hai fatto. Hai dimostrato una grande professionalità… fuori dal comune… Ogni scatto nasce da un idea, sempre originale e tu oltre a curare la scena con amore e passione sei riuscita a cogliere sempre il meglio da ognuno di noi. Sei fantastica! Ci vediamo al prossimo servizio. Mi auguro tu possa essere ancora disponibile. Ancora complimenti e grazie.”
Valerio Ponzo
“Vi ringraziamo per il bellissimo servizio fotografico che avevi realizzato. Sei stata al massimo della professionalità e avevi confermato quelle che erano le nostre aspettative. Non potevamo chiedere di meglio! Grazie ancora di cuore!”
Simone Santi, Tecvisual
“Thank you Eva for your participation at the Berlin Salsa Congress 2014, and thank you for your hard work. The result is wonderful and it shows that you are a very talented photographer. We definitely hope to have you back in 2015 for the 15th anniversary of our event.”
Iris Chelarescu, Berlin Salsacongress Productions
“I am responsible at Baker Tilly Hungária for public relations and I feel it crucial that our company not simply promotes its quality services but, the way and visual appearance of this promotion is also important for us.
In order to enhance our company’s corporate image and identity we decided to engage a professional who is well-versed in taking professional portraits of our staff and photos of offices. Furthermore, we needed professional assistance in selecting and manipulating images to support the promotion of our services. Eva did a quality job, provided extremely useful assistance and we enjoyed her professional artwork in finding the best solutions for our needs. I am pretty sure that we got the value what we need for our money and the results exceeded our expectations.
It was so smooth to work with her, easy to schedule and keep in touch. I would encourage others in similar position, amongst doubts about what to do in imaging the business or just to refresh portraits of management or staff in the visual communication to think about and get in touch with her.”
Ferenc Kolber, Baker Tilly Hungária
“Eva already took two photo-shootings of me. All of those occasions were fun and she helped me to be relaxed as I am not a professional model. She picked the perfect locations and best timing for the picture taking and the outcome were gorgeous. She is very talented and always shows the best of you in a picture.”
Judit M. Price
“Thank You very much for everything! Your pictures are fantastic, the personality of the participants show through on each of them. I think that this is what makes a difference between a born talented photographer, like you and a self-nominated-photographer. The photo shooting was very professional, it was spent in a good atmosphere, your personal style is very kind, your appearance was hardly noticed, still you gave confidence to us. It was a great surprise to me, that you have even achieved, that a teenage boy became also obsessed by having his pictures taken. The whole family became excited, and you made us lough and comfortable, therefore we had such a nice and relaxed photo shooting time as never before. You have been taking the freedom on giving us instructions on where to sit and had wonderful ideas about the whole photo shooting, the result sais it all. I am happily showing off with my new pictures. Thank you ever so much for helping me saving the happy and wonderful moments with my family. We would like to repeat this wonderful experience yearly, so later looking back at them we could remember the precious time spent together. In the meantime I recommend you to others who would like to live through the beauty of an easy going and at the same time entertaining photo shooting.”
Agnes Jutasi
“Beautiful landscapes, smiling and dancing people, delicious food… Photos that take you to a different world as if you had been there in reality. Eva can find the opportunity to create great photos either by composing her shot thoughtfully or just capturing the moment from a different angle. The best I like is the artistic effect that gives special flavour to her pictures, some of them really should be printed out and to hang on the wall. Or just included into a calendar at your desk to cheer you up in dark days. Eva’s photos are the best stress management tools for me.”
Agnes Szigeti
“When I asked Eva to take some pictures of me I knew that she is going to do a wonderful job. We had lots of fun during the shooting so my smile on the pictures were really natural. She paid attention to everything, such as: best profile side, best lights, best positions. She also helped me fix my make-up or clothes when I messed them up. So all together the shooting was funny and professional and the outcome of the pictures were just as wonderful as I thought at the beginning.”
Katalin Dobos
“I asked PhotoPerocsenyi to shot stock photos to my on-line organic magazine. I asked for natural pictures of foods and landscapes. Her creativity and timing was perfect such as the outcome of the pictures.”
“A Balaton Salsa Congress szervezőjeként nagy hangsúlyt fektettem arra, hogy a rendezvény színvonalához igazodó, nemzetközi szintű fotóssal dolgozzak együtt. A mozgás- és táncfotózások igen nehéz feladatot adnak, hiszen a pillanatot is reptében kell elkapni. A PhotoPerocsenyi / Éva munkájával nem csak a szervezők, hanem a lelkes táncosok is mindig elégedettek voltak. Köszönjük Neked!”
Barto, Palladium-Budapest / Balaton Salsa Congress
“Évivel egy utazás során ismerkedtem meg, és már ott felfigyeltem rá, milyen szívesen készít a társaság tagjairól személyes portrékat. Ezért, amikor a zumbás rendezvényeinken fotósra volt szükségünk, azonnal ő jutott eszembe. Egyedi hangulatú képei maradandó emlékek lettek! Azóta számos rendzvényen vettünk részt együtt, és tudom, ha ő és a kamerája ott vannak, nyugodt lehetek hogy megörökíti a legszebb pillanatokat!”
Naszvadi Adrienn, Zumba Instruktor
“Mindent nagyon köszönök! Fantasztikusak a képeid, mindegyiken átüt a képen levők személyisége. Szerintem ez tesz egy képeket kattogtató és egy született fotós tehetség között különbséget. Profi volt az egész fotózás, jó volt a hangulat, kedves a stílusod, a jelenléted nem tolakodó, de mégis biztonságot adó. Engem teljesen meglepett, hogy még azt is elérted, hogy egy kamasz fiú is kedvet kapjon a fotózáshoz. Az egész családot fellelkesítetted, és megnevettetted, így nagyon kellemes légkörben és felszabadultan töltöttük a fotózás idejét. Éltél az alkotás szabadságával, nagyon jó ötleteid voltak és a végeredmény egyszerűen magáért beszél. Büszkén mutatom meg az egész világnak a csodás képeidet. Köszönöm, hogy segítettél megörökíteni a gyermekeinket, és az együtt töltött csodás pillanatokat. Szeretnék ezt a kellemes élményt évente megismételni, hogy később újra és újra vissza tudjunk emlékezni az együtt töltött csodás percekre. Addig ajánlom másoknak is akik szeretnék megtapasztalni a könnyed és egyben szórakoztató családi fotózás élményét, szépségét.”
Jutasi Ági